Experience the connection
We have been producing and delivering innovative, market-leading training programs since 2011, and are still adding more. We hope you’ll find one here, that’ll help you in your journey of upskilling.
Our Programs
Effective Budgeting, Planning, and Control:2025 Masterclass(5 days)
IntroductionUnlocking the potential of budgeting as a powerful financial management tool. A well-preparedand implemented budget does not just track expenses, it aligns your organization’s resourceswith
Strategic Project Finance and Financial Modelling: Mastering the Art of Funding and Risk Management(5 days).Sandton, JHB South Africa
Project finance is a critical skill set that distinguishes successful projects from those that falter.Without the right expertise, projects can suffer from funding delays, inefficient
Agribusiness Value Chain Financing Management and Best Practices-2025 Training Conference Sandton Johannesburg South Africa (5 days)
Elite Space International has collaborated with agribusiness experts to address issues that are faced by agricultural value chain players through Agribusiness Value Chain Financing management
Advanced IT Auditing, Risk Management and Artificial Intelligence Training Conference (2025 Edition)
In today’s fast-paced digital world, safeguarding organisational assets from evolving cyber threats has never been more critical. This comprehensive training program will equip IT professionals